Destination Earth Data Lake
Data access harmonisation of Digital Twins data and federated providers such as ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF, Copernicus and many other sources. Big data processing capabilities provided to allow computing in proximity to the data.
Providing seamless access to the Digital Twins
The DestinE Data Lake is an essential component that references and provides seamless access to DestinE Digital Twins data and large number of external data spaces. The Data Lake supports near-data processing to maximise throughput and service scalability and implements big data distributed workflows.
Expected impact
The DestinE Data Lake provides a harmonisation of data access, regardless of data type and location. The Data Lake stores DestinE Digital Twins data and facilitates the access to massive amounts of data from ECMWF, ESA and EUMETSAT data stores as well as EU Copernicus data, in-situ and European statistical data. In addition to data discovery and access, the Data Lake offers Big Data processing services to work efficiently with DestinE data.