Use Cases Catalogue

Discover the first set of selected End-to-End Use Cases in the DestinE Catalogue!

Each Use Case demonstrates the capabilities of the DestinE infrastructure to provide actionable information and decision support to its end users.

Extreme WeatherFlooding

Adaptation Modelling Framework

Developing an adaptation modelling framework supporting the EU Adaptation Strategy goals and enabling easier access to advanced hazard and impact models for decision-makers.
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Extreme WeatherUrban Heat

Adaptation Modelling Framework for Heat Stress Exposure

Developing a modelling framework that will facilitate the formulation of adaptation measures addressing heat waves.
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Urban Heat

Addressing Urban Heat Island Effect

Providing high-resolution urban heat maps for cities across Europe to underpin urban climate adaptation measures.
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Air Quality

Air Quality Forecasting Analysis System

Exploring ECMWF’s digital twins' applications for air quality analysis and forecasts.
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Changes in the Water Cycle

Providing global estimates of river runoff and freshwater availability to support climate adaptation measures.
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Urban planning

CITYNEXUS: A novel urban DestinE Platform application

Designing an innovative urban application for the DestinE Platform to assess the potential impacts of urban development decisions.
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Danube Delta Water Reservoir Monitoring

Architect a comprehensive and precise analysis based on the DestinE Data Lake to inform conservation efforts of the Danube Delta, one of Europe's most biodiverse regions
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Polar Voyage Planning


Supporting policy and decision-makers in decreasing pollution and optimising routes in polar regions.
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Destination Renewable Energy (DRE)

Developing the Hybrid Renewable Energy Forecasting System (HYREF) demonstrator to support simulation and projection services that are part of the DRE digital ecosystem.
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Disaster Risk Mitigation & Climate Adaptation

Providing higher-resolution meteorological forecasts that can help address the challenges caused by compound flooding.
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Fishery Management

Global Fish Tracking System (GFTS)

Helping to obtain accurate insights into fish populations for data-driven conservation policies.
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Improved Energy System Modelling

Providing tools and guidance to support the European Transmission and Distribution System Operators in improving the energy system modelling.
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Disaster assessmentDroughtRisk management

Italy Drought 2022

Supporting a more accurate assessment of the impact of ongoing droughts and identification of vulnerable areas.
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