Use Cases Catalogue
Discover the first set of selected End-to-End Use Cases in the DestinE Catalogue!
Each Use Case demonstrates the capabilities of the DestinE infrastructure to provide actionable information and decision support to its end users.

Energy in Catalonia
Providing a scalable machine-learning solution, the project enhances electricity demand prediction to support resilient and sustainable energy networks in a changing climate.
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Fishery Management
Global Fish Tracking System (GFTS)
Helping to obtain accurate insights into fish populations for data-driven conservation policies.
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Global Freshwater Availability
The HydroLand application is developed to provide high-resolution estimates for terrestrial freshwater availability, from global-to-local scale.
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Improved Energy System Modelling
Providing tools and guidance to support the European Transmission and Distribution System Operators in improving the energy system modelling.
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Disaster assessmentDroughtRisk management
Italy Drought 2022
Supporting a more accurate assessment of the impact of ongoing droughts and identification of vulnerable areas.
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Urban Heat
More Resilient City Planning
Providing a heat stress index to allow urban planners to have a better understanding of the best adaptation practices against extreme temperatures in urban environments.
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Onshore & Offshore Wind Energy Information
Providing information on key global indicators relevant to the wind farm industry at various temporal and spatial scales.
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FloodingRisk management
Pakistan Flood 2022
Enabling enhanced flood risk management for more accurate and targeted mitigation measures.
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Extreme Weather
Simulating the Future of Extreme Events
Developing a catalogue of simulated extreme events with information from the high-resolution Climate DT data stream.
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Sustainable Forest Management
Providing harvestability maps and information on climate change outlook for Europe to ensure a sustainable forest management.
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FloodingRisk managementUrban Heat
Supporting decision makers in assessing climate related challenges and their impact on urban areas.
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Wildfires Evolution
Providing a refined view of wildfire risks in a changing climate.
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