Frequently Asked Questions

Check out the most frequently asked questions about DestinE, its components and the opportunities for the community.

Interested in learning about DestinE?

You can find detailed information about DestinE, its implementation timeline and components in the dedicated area.

The DestinE Platform is designed to be accessible to a wide range of users, including citizens, scientists, academics, commercial entities, and policymakers. We are committed to providing an inclusive and user-friendly platform to support a variety of needs and interests in Earth observation and environmental data.

The platform is scheduled to become operational on 10th June 2024.

For more detailed information about key milestones and upcoming features of the DestinE Platform, please visit our timeline page. Here, you can find insights into the development process and future enhancements planned for the platform.

You can find all the upcoming DestinE procurement in the dedicated Procurements area.

The listing includes both upcoming and open procurement coming primarily from the three entrusted entities: ESA, ECMWF and EUMETSAT.

Other opportunities are listed in Other procurements.

The DestinE Platform will make available to all users a series of key services:

  • Core Services, building the backbone of the platform
  • Onboarded Services: external services integrated within the platform, including the first DestinE Use Cases and the DESP Advanced Applications and Services
  • Federated Services: external ecosystems/services accessible through DESP
  • Priority Services restricted to policy and decision makers

The Weather-induced Extremes Digital Twin (Extremes DT) will provide a new capability for monitoring meteorological, hydrological and air quality extremes complementing existing capabilities from national and European services. The system consists of a global component that will produce very high-resolution (2 to 4km) weather simulations for the coming four days, and a regional component that can be activated and configured on demand, allowing experts to zoom-in on extreme events taking place in Europe (at resolutions between 500 and 750m). The On-Demand component is being developed by a European consortium led by Météo France

The Digital Twin Engine (DTE) is the software environment behind the digital twins. The DTE manages the complex data flows between the different High Performance Computing systems across Europe, made available by EuroHPC JU, and the cloud computing resources, and particularly the Data Lake and the Core Service Platform.

Among other features, the DTE will enhance data handling, set a framework for the fusion of observations and simulations for running the DT simulations. The DTE also allows the integration of the sectors most impacted by climate change, allowing to tailor the DTs data to the users needs. The DTE is also essential to enabling the porting and optimisation of codes with a focus on interoperability and interactivity. 

The DTE being developed by ECMWF and its partners provides a common system to the present and future digital twins included in DestinE, and allows users to interact with the data. 

The DestinE Platform is the entry point to the DestinE ecosystem, addressed to a diverse community of users, providing easy access to applications, tools and services supporting DestinE data exploitation.

The platform is built on an open, flexible and secure Cloud infrastructure, integrating state-of-the-art technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning tools and extreme-scale data analytics. It is conceived as an open Framework, fostering the integration of related third-party initiatives and facilitating interoperability with other ecosystems.

The Service Registry, available from the DestinE Platform, serves as the comprehensive catalogue of all applications and services integrated in the DestinE Platform, providing detailed information and allowing access to each service.

The DestinE Data Lake (DEDL) provided by EUMETSAT, interfaces with the DestinE Platform and the Digital Twin Engine. The Data Lake provides seamless access to data in accordance with the DestinE Data Portfolio.

The Harmonised Data Access API (HDA) provides discovery and access to  data, regardless of data type and location. In addition Priority Services to support Big Data processing services to work efficiently with and near DestinE data. The geographically distributed architecture of DEDL across Europe provides advanced and highly scalable computing capabilities to support AI/ML close to data holdings.

Federations are implemented inter alia upon existing data lakes such as ESA, EUMETSAT, ECMWF and Copernicus DIAS, as well as complementary data from diverse sources like in-situ or socio-economic data. 

Learn more about the Data Lake

The Climate Change Adaptation Digital Twin (Climate DT), delivered by ECMWF, is the first attempt to operationalise multi-decadal climate projections at fine resolution (5km to 10km) providing earth-system and impact sector information at the spatial and temporal scales where the impacts of climate change are felt. 

The Climate DT will produce updated climate system projections for the decades ahead every year, whereas current climate projections are updated every several years. These updated climate projections will serve to investigate the impact of policy decisions or unprecedented events through dedicated bespoke simulations.

Finland’s CSC leads the international consortium behind the Climate DT, which will operate on some of the largest supercomputers in Europe thanks to the strategic access granted by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.

Destination Earth is an ambitious initiative of the European Commission, implemented by three entrusted entities, namely the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).

The goal is to create a digital replica of the Earth system to support responding and adapting to environmental challenges posed by climate change and extreme events.

The components that enable Destination Earth:

  1. the DestinE Platform developed by ESA, providing decision-making tools, applications and services, based on an open, flexible, and secure cloud-based computing system; 
  2. the Data Lake developed by EUMETSAT, providing harmonisation of data access, facilitation of access to the Digital Twins data outputs, and big data and near data processing;
  3. The Digital Twin Engine and the first two high-priority Digital Twins developed by ECMWF, providing bespoke km-scale simulations to enable better responding and adapting to the impacts climate change and extreme-weather events.  

The components of Destination Earth will be made operational as part of the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme and in support of the Green Deal.

Learn more about Destination Earth

The Core Services on the DestinE Platform are key components operated by the DESP consortium, essential for the platform's functionality and accessible to all DestinE users. They include Platform Management services facilitating the creation of a DestinE ecosystem community and Data Management services, allowing users to access data and applications.

Registered Users are able to access all functionalities provided by the DestinE Platform. This includes full access to all services, relevant technical documentation, and comprehensive support for specialised enquiries.

Learn more about the DestinE Platform

A digital twin is a replica of a system. The digital twins (DT) of DestinE will replicate different areas of the Earth-system.

The initial high-priority DTs on weather-induced extremes and climate change adaptation are highly accurate replicas of the Earth system simulating the system behaviour at the scales where extreme events happen, and the effects of climate change are felt. They combine several cutting-edge Earth system models and observations together with the most advanced digital technologies, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and are integrated and interoperable with applications for the sectors most affected by climate change and extremes. 

DestinE’s digital twins are a step change for Earth system simulations in terms of quality, impact and interactivity. Developed by ECMWF in cooperation with over 90 institutions from across Europe, the first two digital twins on Climate Change Adaptation and Weather-induced Extremes exploit the latest breakthroughs in weather and climate science, digital technologies, AI and machine learning.

Yes!  Openness is foundational to DestinE’s community's mission. DestinE aims its community members to feel comfortable sharing their experiences, knowledge, and even the challenges they face.

We believe that fostering trust through open communication is essential for building a  strong and supportive community. Active participation and exchange of information and insights are strongly encouraged.

Whether you're asking a question, offering advice, or sparking a discussion, your contributions are valued. The DestinE Users Community is a space for everyone. DestinE actively strives to create an environment where everyone feels welcome to contribute and learn from others.

Join the DestinE Community

Service providers who wish to integrate their own services onto the platform need to register an account and follow the Onboarding Process available on the DestinE Platform. Full support is provided throughout every step of the process.

Joining the DestinE Community is easy!

Simply register your interest by visiting Join the DestinE Community on the DestinE website.

Once registered, you'll receive updates and announcements about upcoming community events, discussions, and more!

Any user can explore essential information about the platform through the dedicated Web Portal without the need for registration. This includes access to public informative documentation, to the lists of available services, as well as to support for general enquiries.

Do you have more questions?

In case you have more questions, please visit our Communication Kit page. Otherwise, you can submit your inquiry through the Contact Us page and we will address it as soon as possible.