DestinE Platform

The DestinE Platform is the point of entry to DestinE. It provides users, applications and service providers with direct access to the data and functionalities provided by the other two DestinE components, the Digital Twin Engine and the Data Lake.

Supporting DestinE data exploitation for better decision-making

The DestinE Platform integrates and operates an open ecosystem of services (also referred to as the DestinE Platform Framework) to support DestinE-data exploitation and information sharing for the benefit of DestinE users and Third-Party entities.

The DestinE Platform includes key essential services such as user management service; infrastructure as a service with storage, network, and CPU/GPU capabilities; data access and retrieval service, in particular from the DestinE Data Lake operated by EUMETSAT, as it is the backbone for the data generated by the ECMWF’s Digital Twin Engine; data traceability and harmonization services; basic software suite service for local data exploitation; data and software catalogue services; and a 2D/3D data visualisation service.

The DestinE Platform additionally provides onboarding support for integrating external services and resources, making the ecosystem flexible, scalable, and easily adapted to the community needs.

Expected impact

The DestinE ecosystem aims to support the needs of a large and diverse community of users including citizens, scientists and academics, commercial entities, and policy makers. The DestinE Platform Framework defines the required conditions for a service to be part of the ecosystem, and therefore benefit of the available resources, and of the potential to engage with all DestinE users.

Access the DestinE Platform

Implemented by the

European Space Agency (ESA)

Consists of a

Cloud-based front-end for DestinE users


To provide applications, models and simulations for better decision-making

European Space Agency

The DestinE Platform acts as the user access point for Destination Earth ecosystem, and represents a flexible and scalable cloud-based platform stimulating the development and usability of services addressing the objectives of the European Green Deal.

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