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Roadshow Webinar: Destination Earth Sea Ice Decision Enhancement (DESIDE)

February 19 @ 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm CET

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banner for the deside webinar

Ships operating in the polar regions encounter hazards that present elevated levels of risk and more severe consequences when accidents occur.

The DESIDE project is using DestinE system capabilities and data to provide comprehensive sea ice and related information for policy and operational decision makers in the Baltic Sea, European Arctic Ocean, and other polar regions.

Benefits to polar operations and society include:
Increased Safety: Accurate information supports strategic and tactical decision-making, enhancing safety of life and property.
Pollution Reduction: Efficient route optimization minimizes fuel consumption and emissions.
Protection of Sensitive Environmental Areas: Better forecasts can help policymakers protect environmentally sensitive areas affected by changing polar conditions.

The webinar will demonstrate how DESIDE can support policy and decision making at three levels within the context of polar operations:

Execution support: Supporting ships needing to avoid or navigate through sea ice.
Planning support: Supporting ship operators in planning polar voyages, guided by the information requirements of the IMO Polar Code.
Strategy and policy support: Supporting organizations and policy analysts wanting to assess the impact of climate change on future decisions regarding polar operations.


  • Introductions – David Arthurs (Polar View) (5 mins)
  • The Challenge: Safety, Environmental Protection, and Operations in the Polar Context – David Arthurs (Polar View) (10 mins)
  • Execution support: Supporting ships needing to avoid or navigate through sea ice. – Lasse Rabenstein (Drift & Noise Polar Services) (10 mins)
  • Planning support: Supporting ship operators in planning polar voyages, guided by the information requirements of the IMO Polar Code. – Till Rasmussen (Danish Meteorological Institute) (10 mins)
  • Strategy and policy support: Assessing the impact of climate change on future decisions regarding polar operations. – Øystein Godøy (Norwegian Meteorological Institute) (10 mins)
  • Q&A and conclusion – (15 mins)


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February 19
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm CET
Event Category: