Calling energy system modelling experts: fill the survey and support DestinE Use Case on Energy Systems (open until Feb 18)

A survey targeting energy system modelling experts to collect input for the development of the Destination Earth (DestinE) Use CaseA practical scenario in which DestinE's capabilities are uti More on Energy System Planning has been launched and is gathering feedback until February 18.
The survey is being organised by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR), Aarhus University, and the Renewables Grid Initiative to support the use caseA practical scenario in which DestinE's capabilities are uti More which was procured through ECMWFEuropean Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts More.
The three institutions have already created tools to better integrate climate information into energy system modelling applications, which is an important step towards achieving rapid decarbonisation and increasing climate resilience in the energy industry. Now is the time to seek advice and feedback from experts and interested stakeholders to ensure that future advancements are user-friendly.
In this framework, this survey intends to seek input from experts and study how developed tools might be further improved to better integrate climate information into energy system modelling applications.
Are you an expert in energy system modelling? Fill out the survey to help DestinE co-designCoordinated definition and implementation of a DestinE techn More climate-resilient energy system modelsSoftware applications that represent different aspects of th More.