Digital Twins spotlighted on the WeatherPod podcast

calendar_month October 10, 2024 visibility 1222 views timelapse 1 minute

Director for Destination Earth (DestinE) at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Irina Sandu was the guest of a new episode of the WeatherPod, the fourth of the series dedicated to the impact of artificial intelligence in weather and climate prediction.

The conversation delves into a wide scope of aspects regarding the inclusion of AI in the digital twins developed by ECMWF and many partners across Europe in the Destination Earth initiative, but also the benefits of developing digital twins for weather forecasting and climate projections, and the latest developments in supercomputing and Earth system science that have led to the creation of the digital twins.

Listen/ watch the episode of the prestigious specialised podcast about the global weather enterprise hosted by Alan Thorpe and David Rogers.


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