ECMWF DestinE Invitation to Tender (ITT): Demonstrating the Value of DestinE Data

calendar_month July 12, 2024 visibility 500 views timelapse 1 minute

The European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has issued an invitation to tender (ITT) for pilot services that exploit DestinE digital twins data and capabilities. Specifically, the ECMWF requests proposals for Impact Sector Pilot Services and machine-learning demonstrators that showcase the capacity of the DestinE digital twins to support cross-sector stakeholders identity challenges, tackle climate and extreme weather threats, and build resilience. 

The objective of this ITT, open until 2 October 2024, is for stakeholders to develop pilot services that highlight the advantages and robust nature of the DestinE digital twins, showcasing the capacity of DestinE to be the superior system for seamless user-interaction, scenario-planning, and data access and generation.

Proposals for pilot services are accepted across a range of sectors, including energy, weather-related extremes, resilience and impact mitigation, agriculture and food security, environment and urban planning, and environmental migration.

A fully functional interactive pilot service with dynamic scenarios, with underlying user decision-making, is expected for successful tenders. 

Visit the ECMWF website for a more detailed breakdown of the ITT and criteria for proposals.

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