Book now: last on-site places available for the 2nd DestinE User eXchange

calendar_month October 11, 2023 visibility 923 views timelapse 3 minutes

Registration for onsite attendance to the highly anticipated 2nd Destination Earth (DestinE) User eXchange, being held in Bonn, Germany, on 13 and 14 November 2023, 2nd Destination Earth User eXchange.  

The DestinE User eXchange events are targeted for research centres, universities, industry, public institutions from the science and development community and policy domain, as well as partners, potential partners, contractors, stakeholders, Commission members, and DestinE governance bodies. 

This appointment seeks to foster an environment for beneficial interactions and debates, building on the success of first edition which took place in Rome last February, and represents a succesful first step to better understand the community’s needs so that the initiative can establish synergies with new potential contributors and users.

Insight-packed programme  

The agenda is designed to be both in depth and exploratory, with insights from institutions engaged in DestinE and interaction among participants.  

High-level speakers from the three Entrusted Entities coorganising the event — hosts European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF), the European Space Agency (ESA), and European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)—and the European Commission will introduce Destination Earth in the opening session, setting the scene for a day of discussions and updates on key developments about the implementation of DestinE.  

One session will focus on new approaches to visualise and interact with climate or meteorological data using immersive technologies akin to those used in gaming, followed by a technical and applications poster session. Participants will have the chance to collaborate and learn about various aspects of DestinE developments. In an engagement session, participants may work in groups, map out how DestinE functionalities might help their work, research, and practises.

The first session of the second day will be more focused on policy needs. The European Environment Agency (EEA) will share its perspective on the importance of DestinE and its plans for supporting critical European policy needs.  

This will then be followed by parallel sessions on different topics such as:   

  • application and use cases in the context of the Digital Twin on Adaptation to Climate Change (“Climate DT”).
  • value of Digital Twin Co-development for different domanis (such as renewable energy, hydrology, air quality and other impact studies).
  • functionalities and opportunities of the DestinE’s Core Servicecs Platform.
  • connections with other Digital Twin, covering the various system components and their interfaces in brief.
  • role and development of Data Lake and Data Spaces.
  • development and needs for DestinE to emergent research and technological needs

Register now! 

The second Destination Earth User Exchange event is a unique platform for knowledge exchange, collaboration, and advancement of the ambitious initiative of the European Commission. 

Due to capacity limits, a limited number of participants can attend in presence. However, registrants will be able to attend the event remotely. You will be informed on the status of your registration within a few days and you can find details regarding the accommodation here. 

Don’t miss the chance to take part to this exciting event and register.

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