Fill in this form to register for the 2nd DestinE User eXchange. Kindly note that registration to attend onsite is no longer available

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    Please note that onsite registration is closed.



    Preliminary Programme

    Day 1 (13 November)

    13:00 Arrival and registration
    Setting the scene for the 2nd Destination Earth User eXchange. High-level speakers of ECMWF and the European Commission will provide their perspectives on Destination Earth.
    The three Entrusted Entities – ESA, ECMWF, EUMETSAT will give an update on key developments in the implementation of DestinE during 2023.
    Coffee Break
    Visualization and Immersive Technologies for DestinE
    The session will describe visualisation efforts in DestinE, including an illustration on an immersive visualisation concept leveraging modern visualization and interaction technologies, similar to those employed in the gaming industry. It will explore innovative methods for visualizing and interacting with climate and weather data, as well as other relevant societal ancillary information. Short presentations will introduce the high-level architecture and illustrate the exploitation of scenarios with examples.
    Poster Session
    Posters will expand on selected technical or application aspects in DestinE. All posters will be available online at the start of the event.

    Interaction "From Vision to Implementation: Unravelling DESP" 
    One element of this session will be a collaborative and interactive exchange with interested participants to gain insights into the DestinE users’ perspective. Participants will work in groups to understand and map out how the designed functionalities will feed in their current work, research and practices, identify touchpoints and areas of improvement.

    From ~17:30 Reception

    Day 2 (14 November)

    Connecting DestinE to climate adaptation policy needs
    The European Environment Agency (EEA) are engaged in DestinE to help develop the initiative to support critical European policy needs. As an introduction to day two, EEA’s Executive Director will give a perspective of why we need DestinE and what expectations and plans the Agency has for it.
    Session A1:
    Adapting to Climate Change (1)

    This session will present the progress and plans of applications and use cases in the context of the Digital Twin on Adaptation to Climate Change (“Climate DT”). A panel discussion with key users will discuss the future of use cases from the perspective of users and developers.
    Participants’ views will be collected on the role of DestinE for adapting to climate change and possible questions clarified in a World Café.
    Session B1:
    Extremes Digital Twin co-development - for renewable energy

    A key aspect of the Digital Twin concept is continuous updates from the modelled systems. Here renewable energy sources is a focus. How can a framework for optimally using these, together with the Destination Earth On-Demand Extremes Digital Twin run at sub km and sub hourly resolution, be made?  The DT provides tailor-made output. This will be presented for further discussion and iterations with the relevant stakeholders. This session will include several presentations highlighting how the Extremes DT will add value to the domain of renewable energy.
    Coffee break
    Session A2:
    Adapting to Climate Change (2)

    Continuation of the previous session.
    Session B2:
    Extremes Digital Twin co-development - for hydrology, air quality and other impact studies

    A key aspect of the Digital Twin concept is continuous updates from the modelled systems. Here the focus is on extreme hydrology, air quality events, and other extreme events. Which impact studies will work best with our Destination Earth On-Demand Extremes Digital Twin Engine run at sub km and sub hourly resolution? How can we collaborate on these? Dedicated output for extreme events such as inland and coastal flooding, unhealthy air quality, and other events such as forest fires, springtime cold spells will be presented and discussed.
    Lunch break
    Session A3:
    Using the Service Platform

    DestinE’s Core Service Platform represents the entry point for users to DestinE ecosystem. This platform provides access to a wide variety of services and data addressing DestinE objectives, including to all capabilities provided by the two other components (DEDL and DTE). This session aims at clarifying to the attendants the functionalities available in DestinE’s platform and the opportunities for stakeholders to take part and contribute to the ecosystem.
    Session B3:
    Connecting to other Digital Twins

    Digital twins in general, and Destination Earth is no exception, rely on a rich services landscape that supports interacting with the system and its components. Designing a solution path in this landscape for a particular application/use-case/digital twin (i.e., how to integrate specific applications in DestinE) is not always a trivial exercise and requires a good understanding of the Destination Earth system, its components, and interfaces. This session will briefly touch on the different system components and their interfaces. With an example it will show how a solution path can be designed for a particular solution. Common design patterns will be identified and input for the different system components evolution be formulated.
    Coffee break
    Session A4:
    Data Lake and Data Spaces

    This session, highlights the Destination Earth Data Lake role through the description of the Data Portfolio. It will also present Data Lake use case(s) under development and explore the link to the Green Deal Data Space.
    Session B4:
    Science and Technology needs

    The objective of the session is to provide the space for a discussion on developments and needs for DestinE related to emergent research and technological solutions. The session will include a description of recent results from Horizon Europe projects, a status of the scientific and technological challenges addressed by the initial digital twins, and the identification of the requirements for the extension of their capabilities
    17:30 End of User eXchange