What is Destination Earth?

calendar_month March 13, 2024 visibility 62 views timelapse 2 minutes

Destination Earth is an ambitious initiative of the European Commission, implemented by three entrusted entities, namely the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT).

The goal is to create a digital replica of the Earth system to support responding and adapting to environmental challenges posed by climate change and extreme events.

The components that enable Destination Earth:

  1. the DestinE Platform developed by ESA, providing decision-making tools, applications and services, based on an open, flexible, and secure cloud-based computing system; 
  2. the Data Lake developed by EUMETSAT, providing harmonisation of data access, facilitation of access to the Digital Twins data outputs, and big data and near data processing;
  3. The Digital Twin Engine and the first two high-priority Digital Twins developed by ECMWF, providing bespoke km-scale simulations to enable better responding and adapting to the impacts climate change and extreme-weather events.  

The components of Destination Earth will be made operational as part of the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme and in support of the Green Deal.

Learn more about Destination Earth