DigiZ-DE – Digital Twin Germany
DigiZ-DE - Digiital Twin Germany
August 1, 2022
December 31, 2026
The Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy is currently developing the Digital Twin Germany to provide Federal government, politicians and administrators with a reliable basis for decision-making on spatial tasks, particularly with regard to current challenges such as climate change. By the end of 2026, the Digital Twin Germany will provide a nationwide, highly precise and standardised analysis platform for the Federal Government. This plattform will be designed in a way to ensure extensibility and interoperability with other digital twins, from the EU level to the municipal level. That is relevant for issues such as climate change adaptation, infrastructure planning and demographic change. In order to develop the digital twin for Germany in line with demand, development is being carried out together with and on the basis of pilot use cases. Through the Digital Twin Germany, the entire federal administration will be able to deal with various geo-related issues and make sustainable decisions in all spatial and geo-related tasks.