

calendar_month August 30, 2023 visibility 364 views timelapse 2 minutes

Germany’s expertise in research and technology development makes it a key supporter of the Destination Earth initiative for a green and digital transition. It’s essential for Germany to be actively involved in both shaping and leveraging the Destination Earth (DestinE) initiative from a national perspective. Thereby directly supporting various policy areas from science and technology development to disaster risk mitigation and management, to sectorial uses in energy, agriculture and health amongst others and to contribute to our national framework of climate change adaption. Various stakeholders and projects on models, modeling and digital twins from Germany support and enhance the Destination Earth initiative.

The coordination of Destination Earth in Germany is led by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), in collaboration with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The German Space Agency at DLR supports the ministries with technical and operational aspects, fostering close cooperation with public institutions, academia and industry. DLR and BMDV perform various outreach and user engagement activities to complement the pan-European activities of the European Commission and the entrusted entities nationally The growing national community is informed by newsletters, a German website ( and keynote presentations at significant national forums. Feedback from and exchange with the national stakeholders is done via a dedicated mailing list, bi- and multilateral discussions as well as inter-ministerial coordination groups. Additionally, annual national stakeholder workshops serve as a platform for in-depth exploration of specific themes, further enhancing Germany’s strategic engagement with a stakeholder community of Destination Earth.

Franka Kunz (DLR) and Dr. Malte Uphoff (BMDV) serve as the main contacts for the German DestinE community and offer guidance and updates on how individuals and organizations can engage with DestinE’s developments.


Dr. Malte Uphoff

Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport

Referat DK 22 Robert-Schuman-Platz 1 53175 Bonn

malte.uphoff [at]